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This month, we take a look at one of our most popular characters... Bambi! The super cool Techno-Talking Babe who also happens to be a Mistress of Time!

We've focused on some of the earlier episodes where Bambi first uses her timestream powers, and on the episodes dealing with her dramatic transformation into La Cutest of Go-Go, during the invasion of the Go-Go Cube. You'll also find a number of shockwave animated episodes!
Remember, there's a whole lot more on the website... more Bambi, more comics, the Quickpolls, and the QuickPoll comics! Have fun!

Getting to Know Bambi!

Bambi (as The Mistress of Time) battles Lord Martha Stewart!

At Abacus World Expo, Bambi senses trouble!

TransMeta announced their ENIAC Abacus, with shocking results!

Bambi uses her Time Mistress power to return the First Four to the 1940's!

Bambi is abducted by the Go-Go Cube!

Look out Earth, Bambi is assimilated!

La Cutest of Go-Go addresses the people of Earth...

CEO a Go-Go!
(warning... goofy midi soundtrack!)

Transmeta CEO David Ditsel struggles to gain control over the Go-Go Cube!


The Go-Go's are gone-gone, but not Bambi's heartbreak.

Nitrozac a Go-Go!
The Go-Go threat is over.... or is it?

Bambi falls into a post Go-Go-Queen depression!

That's what friends are for!

TTB -a-Go-Go!

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